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Memory Support

Is Your Loved One Ready for Assisted Living Because of Memory Loss?

One of life’s greatest challenges is facing the reality that a parent is affected with a memory loss illness and may be in need of a safer more supportive living option. If you are struggling with this issue and answer “yes” to some of these questions, it is probably time for a change.

  • Is your loved one able to keep the house and yard as clean as before? Do you notice laundry piling up? Do the floors, furniture and bathrooms need to be cleaned?
  • Is your loved one able to retain personal cleanliness? Can your Mom or Dad shower and bathe regularly without help? Has personal hygiene changed?
  • Has your loved one fallen behind on bills? Is old mail piling up? Do you notice clutter that was never there before?
  • Is your Mom or Dad able to manage their medical care, schedule and remember regular appointments? Can they explain and follow through with medical recommendations?
  • Are medications in order? Do you know if your Mom or Dad is taking his or her medications as prescribed? Can they name their medications and their use?
  • Has your loved one been repeating themselves?
  • Does your loved one interact in a socially appropriate manner for light conversation, and yet if the conversation becomes more complex, they do not follow or respond appropriately?
  • If you have one parent that you are worried about, does the other parent often answer for them?
  • Does your loved one frequently misplace items? Do you ever find items in an unexpected place?
  • Is your loved one still cooking proper nutritious meals every day? Is he or she maintaining a healthy weight and getting some form of exercise?
  • Do you worry about your loved one’s safety when alone and cooking?
  • What is the condition of the items in the refrigerator? Are food items adequate in supply and not expired by date or appearance?
  • Has your Mom or Dad lost interest in day to day activities and social activities? Does your loved one make excuses why they don’t participate with friends or engage in social events or church activities?
  • Do you think your loved one feels isolated or lonely?
  • Does your loved one forget your recent visits or calls?
  • Does your loved one seem to be withdrawn, fearful or depressed? Has his or her manner or character changed?
  • Has your loved one’s driving ability diminished? Have you questioned if they should still be driving? Has your loved one become lost while driving a familiar route?
  • Has your loved one experienced a crisis situation recently such as a hospitalization or an episode of wandering away from home and not remembering how to get back?
  • Does your loved one deny any problems or refuse to discuss the situation, even though you may have answered “yes” to several of the above items?

For more information, check out this Memory Loss Guide for Families featuring articles and resources answering common questions from families going through the same experience. When you’re ready to start comparing senior communities, know these 7 things to look for on your tour.

Many of Senior Living Residences’ communities offer Alzheimer’s and Dementia Support Groups where you can share your concerns and personal experiences with others who completely understand what you are going through.  Find a support group in your area.

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