It’s a very common question: How does the cost of a nursing home compare to an assisted living community?
Nursing homes are required to provide intensive, 24-hour skilled nursing and related care, therefore their costs can be much higher than residential-style Assisted Living. In Massachusetts, for example, those who pay privately for a nursing home placement spend upwards of $10,000 per month. However, once a senior’s private assets run out, a subsidized “medicaid bed” in a nursing home can be a lower cost than most Assisted Living communities.
For seniors who need a helping hand but do not require around-the-clock skilled nursing care (they may be frail, but they are not sick), Assisted Living is a much better alternative to a nursing home placement, and not just because it’s a more affordable option. Assisted Living promotes independence and emphasizes wellness in a dignified community setting. Nursing homes take care of people who are sick and need round-the-clock skilled nursing care; their institutionalized settings are not conducive to encouraging independence.
For years seniors who needed some help with daily tasks and personal care had nowhere else to go – nursing home placement was the feared but only option. Today, there are many options available to seniors that offer appropriate types of personalized care and a broad array of services and amenities in a place to call home that offers more cheerful surroundings, privacy, space and dignity than typically found in a nursing home, and at a lower cost.
Here are some resources for your further research to make a decision about what the best senior living option is for your loved one:
- Click here for the most updated pricing with a breakdown of average monthly costs comparing senior living costs between Assisted Living, nursing homes and home health care
- Senior Living Residences’ Assisted Living Expense Calculator has a comprehensive list of expenses you should be looking at when making a financial comparison between moving or staying home with services
- Here’s a good article that covers more ways to compare nursing homes and assisted living residences
- This blog post compares assisted living costs to home health care