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Brain Healthy Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean Diet and Immune Health

Nothing puts a damper on celebrations and gatherings like coming down with flulike symptoms. For seniors, this can be especially concerning, as the aging immune system isn’t quite as sharp as it used to be. Immunosenescence is the gradual weakening of the immune system that occurs as people get older. There is no silver bullet that can reverse immunosenescence or consistently ward off sickness, but there are a number of steps seniors can take to strengthen their immune response.

How Proper Hygiene and Nutrition Can Boost Your Immune Health

Washing hands frequently, getting enough sleep, staying up-to-date on vaccinations, stress management, and staying home when you’re feeling under the weather are all proven strategies to keep you and your loved ones healthy. Additionally, a balanced diet is an important (and delicious!) part of an immune-healthy lifestyle.

Proper nutrition is essential to the growth and function of immune cells. The foods we eat can impact our gut microbiome, which in turn can affect a number of health functions, including immune response and inflammation. While individual nutrients, like vitamin C and zinc, may be helpful in shortening the duration of colds, stronger research points to the importance of overall diets, rather than individual foods or nutrients, in strengthening the immune system. Eating a wide variety of anti-inflammatory foods is the best bet for covering all of your nutritional bases and equipping your body with a strong defense system against illness.

The Mediterranean Diet Reduces Inflammation

One such immune-supporting diet is a Mediterranean diet. The Mediterranean diet is a traditional eating pattern centered around vegetables, beans and legumes, whole grains, olive oil, herbs, fruits, and spices, and also includes moderate amounts of seafood and fermented dairy products like yogurt and traditional cheeses. The Mediterranean diet also has a rich history in home cooking, sharing meals with loved ones, and focusing on the pleasures of the table. Study after study shows that it’s the combination of foods in the Mediterranean Diet that makes it so healthy. 

In a 2024 study, researchers found that “the individual components of the Mediterranean diet may control inflammation by direct actions on the various cell populations of the innate and adaptive immune system.” In other words, the multitude of healthy ingredients that are inherent in the Mediterranean diet may work both together and independently to keep our immune cells strong.

A traditional Mediterranean diet includes gut-healthy probiotics (found in fermented dairy foods like yogurt and labneh) and prebiotics (found in high fiber foods like vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and beans). In a 2021 study, fermented foods were found to improve the diversity of the microbiome and decrease inflammation, while high-fiber foods were found to impact the microbiome and trigger a personalized immune response. Other important components of a Mediterranean diet include antioxidant-rich fruits, vegetables and olive oil, which can also reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

How the Mediterranean Diet Can Reduce Your Risk of Covid-19

Research on COVID-19 is still young, but again, the Mediterranean diet shows potential. Because respiratory diseases like COVID-19 can be characterized by inflammation, researchers wonder if a naturally anti-inflammatory Mediterranean diet might be related to reducing the risk of COVID-19. Analyzing data from more than 55,000 people, researchers found that higher adherence to a Mediterranean diet is linked with a lower risk of COVID-19

Nourishing Mediterranean Recipes to Boost Immune Health

Many traditional Mediterranean dishes are perfect for cold and flu season, and beyond. For something hydrating and cozy, try avgolemono, a Greek lemon and chicken soup, or Chicken Pastina soup, which is sometimes affectionately called Italian Penicillin. For a burst of Vitamin C, try a Sicilian-inspired Citrus, Fennel, and Red Onion Salad, which is especially delicious in the winter when citrus is at its peak. Mint tea is also a hydrating pick enjoyed throughout North Africa and surrounding regions of the Mediterranean, and the steamy beverage can feel especially refreshing for clogged sinuses. 

It is no surprise that the Mediterranean region is famous for good health and longevity. With the Mediterranean diet as your guide, you’ll have a delicious blueprint for keeping your immune system in tip-top shape.

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