AgeRight Blog

Brain Healthy Cooking Recipes

Healthy Appetizers to Ring in the New Year

Want to celebrate the end of an awful year for all us AND kick-start your goal to eat more healthy in 2021 at the cusp of the New Year?! 

These incredibly delicious, easy-to-make hors d’oeuvres and cocktails will help you do just that. Every one of these recipes features brain healthy foods, with the recipes developed by me for my Assisted Living company’s Brain Healthy Cooking Program. They are also all based on the popular and well researched Mediterranean Diet, the world’s #1 ranked diet!

Let’s face it, it’s good to have 2020 almost behind us. With the coronavirus pandemic raging all year long, what a year this has been. It has taken a toll on our collective mental and emotional well being. It has also exacted a toll on Americans’ health, even for those who never got the virus, with media reports on excessive eating, smoking and drinking. 

I’m looking forward to munching on my healthy snacks and enjoying one of my fabulous cocktails on New Year’s Eve! I am excited about the vaccine and getting back to normal in 2021. Now that’s something to celebrate!

Check out other Mediterranean Diet Recipes for Your New Healthful Snacking Habit!

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